Friday, July 9, 2010

The adventure doesn't start until something goes wrong

And everything went wrong. We drove the Jeep with our garage sale trailer to Cascade, Idaho for the Bowman family annual unofficial Fourth of July family reunion. We put our bikes and gear on the trailer and took off. It only took us about five hours to make the three and a half hour trip. As we got to my uncle’s house we noticed that the wheel of the trailer was a little crooked. My dad and Jon lifted the trailer up and the wheel just popped off. Lucky for us it wasn’t while we were driving.

That night we went to watch the fireworks and they were so far away we couldn’t even hear them. It was cold and we were getting eaten by mosquitoes, but we got to enjoy them with my grandparents. Sunday was pretty uneventful. We went to the hot pots and enjoyed the company of some strange people from Boise. On the way home we got to see tons of fireworks being shot off over the lake.

Monday was Jon’s birthday and we went biking at Brundage. My cousin Katie came with us. She had not done much mountain biking and went over the handle bars a few times. By the end of the day she was covered in mud and had a tire track across the front of her shirt. The Brundage photo people even took a picture of her and gave her a free day pass.

With the exception of the trailer tire, everything was pretty tame until Tuesday. Jon and I were planning on leaving around two but we wanted to go explore the mountains by Grandma and Grandpa’s cabin first. We took some dirt road and went way far into the mountains. I wish you could bottle that smell and bring it home. There were a ton of roads going everywhere. As we were driving we found this kid who had run out of gas on his four wheeler. He didn’t know where he was, his parents didn’t know where he was, and his buddy was somewhere behind him broken down as well. We found his buddy who had walked about a mile and was sobbing. After some intense persuasion we towed the kids to where they thought their camp was. After about six hours we finally found their parents. Oh, I almost forgot. As we were towing the kids, we drove through a road where cows were openly grazing. Katie looked at me as said, "I just got hit with something at it's not mud" She smelled her hand and it was cow poop. All of a sudden poop starts flying everywhere. We had the top off the jeep so it was hitting us in the head. One hit my head and I later found it in the hood of my sweatshirt. GROSS!!!

We didn’t end up leaving Cascade until around nine. On the way home the lights on the jeep went out and as we were stopped Jon discovered that he had forgotten to put the oil cap on. Lucky for us it was wedged in a crack. We didn’t get home until 2:45 and Jon had to work at six and me at 7:30.

Even with all of the craziness that went on, it was a really fun weekend. We got to hang out with my awesome cousin who we never see and my grandpa who is sick. It probably wouldn’t have been so much fun if everything had gone perfectly. “The adventure doesn’t start until something goes wrong”.

Friday, May 14, 2010

In a Hicktown

Ok, there is this song by Jason Aldean called Hicktown. I found it the summer after my freshman year of college. We would blast it from the boat every time we went wakeboarding. Growing up in Idaho, I became accustom to certain things. For example, all summer long there will be large trucks of cows, potatoes, and sugar beets driving really slow on the roads. There will also be tractors and combines blocking both lanes of traffic.

Jon and I are living in Kimberly, Idaho for the summer. It's a small town about five miles from Twin. Pretty sure that Jason wrote Hicktown after visiting Kimberly. The population is 3,000 and there is only one grocery store, which by the way is so claustraphobic that I drive to Twin to shop. The elementary school, middle school and high school are all on the same road. You can drive down one road and see all the businesses the town has to offer. I love it! Provo was so big. Everyone was always in a hurry and I always felt rushed.

Here, there is lots of open farm land and everything is much more laid back. Even in Twin, there is never any traffic. No more University Avenue ruining my life.

Last night we were on a bike ride and there was a group of people having a bbq on their pontoon boat in the drive way. They all had beers in their hands and were having a great time. We asked them where the water was and they said they were doing a test run for when they had water. Secretly I think they just leave it in the driveway and host parties.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graduated at last

Well, I finally did it! After six long years, many different majors, and a few semesters off, I finally graduated from college. I know many of you were starting to wonder if it would really happen, myself included. I now have a Bachelors of Science in Exercise and Wellness. I'm not quite sure what I am going to do with it, but that's not really that important, is it?

Looking back at my college experience, it's amazing that I did as well as I did. Freshman year was full of fun and new experiences. For the first time I was away from home with no one to check into at night. We stayed out until three or four every morning and I had classes at eight in the morning. That was also the year that I took snowboarding and ice skating in the same semester.

My college experience was full of fun and goofing off right up until the semester that I graduated. Jon and I would often go skiing or mountain biking while I should have been at my internship. But I made it!! The grades are all in and my diploma is in the mail. Halleluah!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Jeep Safari 2010

This last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Jon, Patti, and I went down to the infamous Moab Easter Jeep Safari. Basically anyone who has a jeep, or a truck with four wheel drive and their dog go to Moab and show off their awesomeness. We just bought a jeep a week ago. I thought that it was pretty sweet. It has a little lift and some oversized tires. We put the bike rack on the back and headed out late Thursday night. We rolled into Moab around midnight (did I mention it is only a 4 cylinder?) As we got to what we hoped was camp, Jon got out and noticed that my bike was no longer on the rack. We had driven through some pretty bumpy roads and as we backtracked we found my bike lonely and deserted. We finally made it to camp and settled in for the night.

The next morning we looked a little more at my bike and decided that it needed some professional help. We drove into town and had to buy a new rim. So, $90 later we were back in business. We biked a slickrock trail right by where we were camping. The dog loved running through the sand as we biked.
That night we went into Moab and did a little shopping. We also went and watched some people doing a trail called Potato Salad. There were hundreds of people just sitting on the rocks watching guys in their big truck try and make it to the top.
The next day we did two trails called "Fins n' Things" and "Hells Revenge". There were so many people on Hells Revenge that there was a traffic jam. After that we went and watched some more people on Potato Salad. Two guys rolled and one guy's wheel came off. It was pretty entertaining.
We got back to camp around 9:30 and packed up in the dark. On the way home there was a blizzard and we honestly couldn't even see the road in some places. We got home at three in the morning and all three of us slept all day Sunday. The dog was so exhausted that she did not even want to play at all. Maybe we should go to Moab every weekend.Jon driving down Fins n' thingsTraffic jam on Hell's RevengeThat tire was literally being dragged by the truck. It was driving on three wheels

Hi, we're going to be gone for five days

Ok, so it's been a while. A few weeks ago we went to Gobblin Valley. It was Jon's spring break and since I don't have a spring break, I decided to just make one anyways. We went down to Gobblin Valley on Thursday morning. It was our first big camping trip as a "family." By family, I mean Jon, the dog and I. We had so much fun! We did a hike through a slot canyon that ended up being much longer than we thought it was going to be. The poor puppy was so exhausted that we had to carry her for some of the way. Six miles is a long way to walk when you're only five months old. As we were coming down the canyon we crossed paths with some guys who had on huge, heavy packs. The first one who we passed looked at Jon and said "Hi, we are going to be gone for five days". That's all. He just kept walking. I had to do everything I could to not burst out laughing right then. We came to the conclusion that they must have been reading the signs that said to be sure to tell someone where you were and how long you were going to be gone. So naturally, he told us.
Friday morning, after spending the night in the rain and wind, we went to the Goblin Valley park. It was freezing cold and super windy. After mustering up the courage to get out of the truck, we went and played on the goblins. It was one of the coolest things I have ever done. There are just miles and miles of these rock formations that look like goblins that you can climb on. We climbed around for a few hours and then we had to be back to real life. I had to work at Rodizio that night.
It was a fun little trip and if you have never been there, I would suggest visiting Goblin Valley sometime.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Disaster Dinner

Ok, so I have really been trying to be a good wife and make dinner every night. In my single college days, dinner for me consisted of something like a cheese quesadilla or a pb&j. They were easy to make and I didn't have to take up much time in the kitchen. (Or do too many dishes). But after getting married, I decided that Jon needed a little more substance than that. So I have been looking through my cookbooks and trying out new recipes. Up until last night, they have worked out pretty well. I have made fettuccine alfredo, baked mac and cheese, Greek salad, lettuce wraps, and various other yummy things. For the most part, they have all been really good.
But much to my dismay, and Jon's, this streak of good food ended last night with baked bbq chicken. I had found the recipe the other day and was so excited to try it. Jon called me on the way home from work saying he was starving. Perfect, I have bbq chicken in the oven and it's almost done. It smelled delicious and we sat down to eat. Jon took a bite and his face turned bright red. He grabbed for my milk and drank half the glass. I thought he was just exaggerating so I took a big bite. It was honestly the spiciest thing that I have ever put in my mouth.
I ran through the list of ingredients trying to figure out what could have caused this. Then it came to me. The chili sauce! I guess that the spicy Asian sauce from the lettuce rolls was not what the recipe had meant when it said bottled chili sauce.
I felt so bad for almost burning our esophaguses. Good thing I had those yummy "lava baby cakes" ready to put in the oven. Last time I had made them, they were just like on the cruise. Delicious! I pulled out the filling feeling a little better about the night. But much to my dismay, that didn't look anything like it had the first time I had made it. Last time, the chocolate filling mixture had set up nicely in the fridge and I had rolled it into balls. This time, it was still soft after an hour. I plopped the mixture into the custard dishes and put it in the oven anyways, determined to redeem myself. Much to my surprise, it actually turned out ok. Lesson learned: use the right kind of chili sauce.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mouse 3

Ok, so last Sunday, I was making dinner and cleaning the kitchen and I kept smelling something gross. I figured it was just the trash, so we took that out and Lysoled the empty can. It seemed to solve the problem, so I didn't think much more of it. A few days later, I smelled it again. This time, I was doing dished and thought for sure that it was the disposal that my dad and uncle had installed. I called my dad to ask if he was positive that he had installed it correctly and he told me to run it for a while and throw some lemons down it.
So I did, but the sink was not letting up. I opened the door where our pots and pans are kept and much to my dismay a waft of extremely foul air came at me. I quickly closed the door, but the stench remained. We did a through investigation and could not find anything that would be causing that much of an odor. We sadly came to the conclusion that it must be a mouse who had a little too much Decon.
It's been a few days now, and instead of getting better, they smell only seems to be getting worse. We can't have anyone over because lets be's pretty embarrassing to have a stinky house...especially when it's because there is a dead mouse in the wall.
So, until the little thing petrifies don't be expecting to be getting any invites over to our house. Don't feel bad, we are really doing you a favor.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wedding Pictures

Ok, so the moment you have all been waiting for has finally arrived. Wedding pictures! Here are a few of my favorites.

But my mommy thinks I'm funny

Last Friday through Wednesday we taught lessons at Park City. Last season, Jon got lessons almost every day we taught and I only taught twice all season. This season has turned out to be the opposite. Monday through Wednesday, I was put down in Sig 3. This is the special lessons for the three to five year olds. There are only three kids per class and lessons consist of more indoor play than actual skiing. I have never taught down there and let me just tell you, it was like nursery on steroids. From the moment I walked through the door, there were kids screaming and crying for their mommy. Don't get me wrong, they were super cute, most of them anyways. I taught a little boy who kept burping. He was four and already had learned how to burp on command. I laughed a little the first time, but when he kept doing it, I told him how gross it was. His reply was, "but my mommy thinks I'm funny when I do it at home".

Those three days were the best form of birth control/parenting lessons I have ever received. Like I said, there were some really cute kids. Like the little girl who was almost parallel skiing and only four who told me that she was way faster than me, but I was a little better skier than she was. But working with those kids really made me think about raising my own children.

Jon and I have talked about having well rounded children who aren't shy and are fearless. This experience only helped to confirm this. I hope that when the time comes for my kids to be left with strangers that they will be the ones comforting the crying kids and cracking jokes with the grown ups.
Ok, so this picture has nothing to do with skiing. This is Anika (I think that's how you spell it). She went on the river with us this summer and totally exemplifies a brave, well-rounded child. She spent the week in the freezing cold April rain (and snow) without her mom. She washed her hair in the freezing cold river with me and braved the huge rapids of the early summer like a pro.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mouse 2

Ok, so we have a mouse you know. After the last incident, I went to Walmart and bought loads of Decon and mousetraps hoping to get rid of the little buggers. Jon put them strategically around the house so the dog wouldn't get them and since then I had pretty much forgotten about our little house guests. Until last night. I had worked the past five days at Park City, the last three teaching 3-5 year olds. Which, might I add is super fun, but exhausting! I had just gotten home from work and was relaxing on the couch watching the dog running around like a crazy little thing. She stopped her sprinting and growling to sniff a spot on the carpet. I didn't think anything of it and continued watching my movie. Next thing I know, she is playing with a dead mouse!! Throwing it around and trying to burry it in my blanket. Well, I freaked out, yelled at her to let it go and ran her into the kitchen. Once again, Jon was at work in my time of need.
I sat in the kitchen paralyzed with the dog on my lap. I finally mustered up the courage to look around the corner at it secretly hoping that it had magically disappeared. Much to my dismay, it was still just laying on the rug. After five more paralyzing moments and a few phone calls I locked the dog in the bathroom (its the only room with a door in our house) and got the snow shovel off the porch. After two failed attempts, I got my ski pole and prodded the thing in to the shovel, dropped it in the kitchen, picked it up and threw it in the trash can.
It was a very big step for me, considering last time I had sat on the couch for three hours waiting for Jon to come home. I keep thinking that one day I might just pick them up like nothing. But then again, I hope that I don't get so used to mice that that has to happen.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ok, so we have had mice in the house since I moved in. I guess it goes with living on three acres of land with a field right next door. I am deathly terrified of mice. I don't really know why, but maybe it stems from being a young girl and having mice crawl on me in my sleep at girls camp.

Our first mouse incident occurred shortly after I had moved in. Jon was over one night and heard a plastic package rattling around. He peaked around the corner to see a mouse just staring at him. Since the first incident we have caught many mice. We thought they were gone until a few weeks ago we discovered a ton of poop in the basement. My naive self thought that they might stay contained in the basement until I discovered poop under the counters. I have since seen them run across the kitchen floor into our bedroom.

Some days I forget they are there. I had pretty much forgotten until last night when Jon almost killed one with his shoe. And then today, I was pouring the dog food into a plastic bucket (a cautionary measure to keep the mice out) when to my surprise a dead mouse falls into the bucket with the food. I screamed so loud the neighbors are probably thinking I was murdered. The dog and I ran into the kitchen and now she won't go near her food.

I am now sitting on the couch with my feet up and not able to move. This ridiculous fear has crippled me from doing the housework that I had planned on. My stomach has started to settle and I think that I will be able to maybe go and do the laundry, but there is no way that I am going near the door until Jon gets home to save me from the dead mouse. I know, it's stupid, but I really just can't go near it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Muddy prints and puppy breath

Ok, so a lot has happened. We went to Idaho for Christmas and Jon got to finally ski Magic Mountain. Many snow sport enthusiasts dream their whole lives about this. I am lucky enough to live only 45 minutes from Magic Mountain, but during Christmas break, this dream came true for Jon . Ok, so I'm joking, but it is a pretty cool place. Magic Mountain lies deep in the South Hills and usually requires 4 wheel drive just to get around the parking lot. My dad's buddy owns it. There is one chair lift powered by a diesel motor. To get from the parking lot to the lift you have to actually cross the main road that leads through the hills. It is where my first memories of skiing with my Mickey Mouse skis are. It is just a down home resort. We all love it, and on a good powder day, the cliffs can be pretty awesome.
We got a puppy for Christmas. We got her the day before we went home and almost gave my mom a heart attack. We should have been a little more considerate. Patagonia, Patti for short, is a weimaraner and keeps us on our toes. She is getting bigger and smarter every day. She is now fully potty trained and we haven't had an accident for a few weeks (knock on wood). Right now she is hiding her bone somewhere to keep it safe, from what? I'm not sure. She has been a great addition to our home with her funny personality. She loves to climb in the bathtub. She hates baths, but loves crawling in as long as there is no water in it. She also loves to run around the three acres of land that we live on. I'm afraid that she is going to be spoiled and hate wherever we move next.
Jon ended up not going to Alaska in January. His shoulder just was not completely healed and he had missed a lot of key training days. He is in the process of reapplying for the August academy. We were sad that he couldn't go in January, but this way he will be able to come to my graduation and we will have one more summer to play before totally growing up.
Well, that's pretty much everything. We have been skiing and boarding as much as possible, but not nearly as much as in seasons past. Its all part of the journey. Oh, Jon did get to go wakeboarding in January. I was going to, but one look at the ice on either side of our narrow passage through the lake and I chickened out.