Thursday, June 2, 2011

Two Months

Today I took the peanut for her two month appointment. She is in the 75th percentile for everything, which is good because last time she was in the 25th for weight. She now weighs 10 lbs 13 oz. Her little legs are starting to get rolls! It is so cute!! Dr. Jones is the best pediatrician ever! He sang to her and she totally loves him!
She has a bit of a flat head, I guess from being in her car seat too much. Sometimes it's the only thing that calms her down. Dr Jones said to put her on her tummy more. She HATES tummy time!! But I think she will hate having a flat head even more, so there is going to be some screaming coming from our house for a while.
She had her shots today which was probably the saddest thing I have ever experienced. She was so happy and talking to the nurse and as soon as she poked her, Oakley started screaming and looked up at me like, why? I wanted to cry along with her. It was terrible!
I can't believe that she is already two months old!

Crazy Weekend

Ok, so last weekend was a little bit on the crazy side. My brother, Grady, got home from his mission to Japan on Friday one hour before my sister, Olivia, graduated from High School. Oakley was hungry, as usual, right before I was supposed to leave for the airport, and due to that and some road closures, I missed his flight getting in. By the time I finally got to the airport, he had already said his hellos to everyone including Jon, and they were all just waiting for me to get there. It was terrible!! But I didn't feel so bad because Oli couldn't be there either. She had to be at the college for graduation.
As soon as I gave him a hug, we all rushed over to graduation.
It is so good to have the family all back together again!! Grady and I got really close the summer before he left on his mission and it is so nice to have him back. Oakley loves her uncle and it is so cute when he holds her!!