Saturday, April 23, 2011

Life as we knew it

Oakley was three weeks old on Thursday. I can't believe it's already been three weeks. We are starting to settle into a bit of a much as possible with a newborn. Our day usually goes as follows...6 am - up for the morning. I always try and get her to go back to sleep, but there is too much going on.
8 am- Oakley gets to play with grandma and grandpa for a bit while I take a morning nap. The whole sleep when the baby sleeps only works if the baby sleeps.
11 am- Pick Oakley up from the grandparents. We play all afternoon (I try and keep her awake as much as possible)
10 pm - bedtime
2 am- the peanut is usually hungry
6 am- this is when Jon leaves for work, so Oakley thinks we should all be up
Life as we knew it is totally gone and replaced with sleepless nights, poopy diapers, and playing peek-a-boo. Instead of skiing magazines, our coffee table is littered with American Baby and Parenting magazines.

It is no longer just Jon and I. Going anywhere is no easy task. We have to make sure the baby is fed and that we have diapers, wipes, a change of clothes, the stroller, oh ya, and the baby. My biggest fear is that one day we will forget her at home. It hasn't happened yet, thank goodness.

We are getting a hang of being parents of a newborn. I no longer take 30 minutes to get her dressed and don't freak out every time she makes a new noise. Poop and spit up are no longer gross, but instead a part of every day life. Baby acne and dry skin no longer scare me...she will grow out of it soon, I hope.

Even though life is totally different and I am convinced I will never sleep again, this little squirt is AMAZING! I love waking up and cuddling with her every morning. It is amazing how much she changes from day to day.

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