Ok, so a lot has happened. We went to Idaho for Christmas and Jon got to finally ski Magic Mountain. Many snow sport enthusiasts dream their whole lives about this. I am lucky enough to live only 45 minutes from Magic Mountain, but during Christmas break, this dream came true for Jon . Ok, so I'm joking, but it is a pretty cool place. Magic Mountain lies deep in the South Hills and usually requires 4 wheel drive just to get around the parking lot. My dad's buddy owns it. There is one chair lift powered by a diesel motor. To get from the parking lot to the lift you have to actually cross the main road that leads through the hills. It is where my first memories of skiing with my Mickey Mouse skis are. It is just a down home resort. We all love it, and on a good powder day, the cliffs can be pretty awesome.

We got a puppy for Christmas. We got her the day before we went home and almost gave my mom a heart attack. We should have been a little more considerate. Patagonia, Patti for short, is a weimaraner and keeps us on our toes. She is getting bigger and smarter every day. She is now fully potty trained and we haven't had an accident for a few weeks (knock on wood). Right now she is hiding her bone somewhere to keep it safe, from what? I'm not sure. She has been a great addition to our home with her funny personality.

She loves to climb in the bathtub. She hates baths, but loves crawling in as long as there is no water in it. She also loves to run around the three acres of land that we live on. I'm afraid that she is going to be spoiled and hate wherever we move next.
Jon ended up not going to Alaska in January. His shoulder just was not completely healed and he had missed a lot of key training days. He is in the process of reapplying for the August academy. We were sad that he couldn't go in January, but this way he will be able to come to my graduation and we will have one more summer to play before totally growing up.
Well, that's pretty much everything. We have been skiing and boarding as much as possible, but not nearly as much as in seasons past. Its all part of the journey.

Oh, Jon did get to go wakeboarding in January. I was going to, but one look at the ice on either side of our narrow passage through the lake and I chickened out.
oh no. you have to wait till aug. no fun at all. we are in alaska now and will be here in aug too, i guess i'll just have to wait.