Picture by Parker Alec Cross
Well, I am horrible at blogging. It's been 6 months since I posted last. A lot has happened in those six months. School started and is ending next week. We got to go on the Middlefork twice. (for those of you who are wondering what the Middlefork is and why it's so important that we went twice, it is a permit only river in Idaho. Permits are very hard to get and usually the only people who go more than once are the outfitters) We did quite a bit of mountain biking, I started a new job at the
Rodizio Grill, Jon got accepted to interview in
Alaska with the state troopers in January, and most importantly Jon and I got married. Yes, that's right, we finally got married. November 21, 2009 was a big day in our lives. We got married in the Twin Falls temple on a cold, windy November day. Everything went perfectly. It even snowed the next moring.
We have been married for three weeks now. Everything is wonderful. We are living in the house that Jon grew up in. It is an old farmhouse built in the early 1900's. We are in the process of fixing up a few things. We almost have the kitchen all painted and done. We hung some blinds last week so that we don't have to worry about being blinded by the sun. It has been a fun little adventure for us to undertake together.
Well, I am going to try and be more diligent with the whole blogging thing in the future, and try hard not to bore everyone. But for now, we want to thank everyone who helped make our last few weeks so amazing!
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