Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bruised and broken

Ok, so Saturday started out being an awesome day! We got up and went to Park City, got our passes and rushed out to the lift. It was the first time of the season and we were stoked! Well, the first run of the day, Jon caught an edge and crashed HARD. All I could think was please get up. He landed right on his head and shoulder. Well, his head was fine, but his shoulder didn't come out so lucky. He was in a lot of pain, but we took a few more runs and called it a day. In the locker room, his shoulder was already starting to swell bad. All we could think of was Alaska. For part of the interview, he has to do a physical test and do 25 pushups. For a not broken Jon this is an easy task, but with an injured shoulder, not so easy.
He went to the physical therapist yesterday who concluded that it was separated, but had gone back into place on its own. He is optimistic that Jon will still be able to go to Alaska in January, but in the mean time it means lots of therapy and taking it easy.
Also, on Saturday night, I was at work. We were super busy and I was literally running all night long. I had just picked up a tray of dirty plates from a table and was stopping by the computer to print out a check when I felt my feet go out from under me. There was nothing I could do. It was just like in the movies when all of a sudden there is a big crash and the whole restaurant goes silent. I was mortified! Luckily, I was behind a counter and not a lot of people saw, but they all heard. Needless to say, I have some pretty gnarly bruises on my elbow, hip, and knees. What starting out being an awesome day turned out being very painful.
So we are just taking it easy around here. Oh, yesterday we went to IKEA and got a $10 rug and an entertainment center for half off...gotta love the as-is section. It's looking like we might have a living room after all. No more walking in on Jon's friends sitting on my bed. I'm pretty excited!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Married at last

Picture by Parker Alec CrossWell, I am horrible at blogging. It's been 6 months since I posted last. A lot has happened in those six months. School started and is ending next week. We got to go on the Middlefork twice. (for those of you who are wondering what the Middlefork is and why it's so important that we went twice, it is a permit only river in Idaho. Permits are very hard to get and usually the only people who go more than once are the outfitters) We did quite a bit of mountain biking, I started a new job at the Rodizio Grill, Jon got accepted to interview in Alaska with the state troopers in January, and most importantly Jon and I got married. Yes, that's right, we finally got married. November 21, 2009 was a big day in our lives. We got married in the Twin Falls temple on a cold, windy November day. Everything went perfectly. It even snowed the next moring.

We have been married for three weeks now. Everything is wonderful. We are living in the house that Jon grew up in. It is an old farmhouse built in the early 1900's. We are in the process of fixing up a few things. We almost have the kitchen all painted and done. We hung some blinds last week so that we don't have to worry about being blinded by the sun. It has been a fun little adventure for us to undertake together.
Well, I am going to try and be more diligent with the whole blogging thing in the future, and try hard not to bore everyone. But for now, we want to thank everyone who helped make our last few weeks so amazing!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Road Trippin Home

It's been a while...I am so bad at this blogging thing. Jon and I came back to the west. We both just felt like it was the right thing to do. Honestly, I really didn't like Florida all that much. Don't get me wrong, it was nice to be able to sit in front of the pool in the beginning of May, but then the rainy season hit. It wasn't the kind of rain that we are used to either. This was stuff where all of a sudden the sky would turn black and buckets of water would fall from the sky. One time it started hailing so bad that I thought my car was going to get dented.
Things just weren't that awesome. We loved the people we were with, but personally for us, it was a better decision to come home. We decided to leave the rain behind and take a week long road trip.
Some of the awesomeness of the week included driving along the gulf side of Florida and stopping at a po-dunk aquarium, seeing an aligator, and camping at a state park on St. George island where we almost got struck by lightening on the beach...(not really, but it sure seemed like it).
We stopped at a bbq joint called The Shed...the name says it all. It was seriously the best bbq I have ever had. We fullfilled one of my childhood dreams and went to a waterpark called Schlitterbaun in Texas. In New Mexico, we stayed at the Boyscout camp called Philmont and I learned that hiking isn't all that bad (Jon was pretty excited).
It was one of the most amazing weeks ever! It was seriously like the road trips you see in the movies that you only wish you could go on. We had so much fun, just the two of us. We had our disagreements, mostly over the GPS, but we made it home in one piece, and still are just as in love and when we started, if not more.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Proposal

You will have to forgive me for posting more than once in the same day, but I am sitting in Florida watching the rain out my window and really excited to get this started. Jon and I have been dating for five wonderful months. He is selling security systems in Orlando and I couldn't stand the thought of being away from him all summer, so I came with. I have been here for two weeks today.

Last Sunday, May 10, 2009 was like any other Sunday. We got up, went to church, watched a movie and naturally fell asleep doing so. After taking a dip in the pool we went back to my apartment and were talking on the couch. I told him about Relief Society and how all the other girls had introduced themselves and said "and my husband is..." When it got to me I just said I'm Lenzi. It was quiet for a while. At this he told me I should have said, "and I'm marrying Jon". I told him I would have if I had a ring, but since I didn't that would have been awkward.

Up until this point, I had assumed that he had my ring somewhere, but wasn't positive. We had picked one out that was perfect, but I had no idea if was in Florida or still on the shelf in Utah. He confirmed my suspicions by asking if I wanted it. Now lets be honest, of course I wanted it, but I told him that he had to surprise me.

We went to a friend's house to roast marshmellows later that night. By this time I had put the ring out of my mind, not thinking that I would get it for a few days. After roasting, we went back to my place. As we walked in the door Jon turned off the light and just stood awkwardly in the doorway. I walked into the kitchen, put something on the counter and walked back over to him. He was being so strange, but I didn't really think anything of it. It was then that I saw the box sitting on the counter. I had walked right past it, twice. I was in shock. I had no idea that he would do it that night. After all, we had just been talking about it.

He slipped the ring on my finger and I haven't been able to quit staring at it ever since. I still gasp sometimes when I see it on my finger.

A Couple of Ski Bums

Jon and I met in the lift line at Park City. It was Christmas break and super busy. We were both teaching and it was my first day. My class was out of control and I wanted to quit and never come back. Jon and his class was in front of us and he started throwing snowballs at my kids. At first I thought this was cute, but after their skis all fell off, it was not so cute anymore. I was actually a bit frusterated and annoyed.

The next day, Jon was behind us in line. My class was much more well behaved this day. Jon had a class of older girls and was talking to them about Utah. I was eavesdropping and figured out that he lived in Provo and had served a mission. We got talking and he offered to give me a ride the next day to work.

From there, he gave me a ride for the rest of the week. He came over to watch a snowboarding video and I was pretty much hooked from then on. On our first real date, we got stuck in the mountains in his truck. I was so impressed how he handled everything. He kept calm and didn't say one bad word.

We spent all winter skiing and having fun. Somewhere in the course of three months I fell in love with this goofy snowboard instructor from Utah. I had all but given up on finding a nice, good guy and then along came Jon in all his ski bum glory.
Sometimes I am nervous that we are too much alike. For example we had both been saving our favorite t-shirts since High School to make quilts with. (And we did.) We both love to play and be outdoors. Oh and don't forget our love of capri suns and fruit by the foot. So random, but so perfect.