My whole life I always knew that I wanted to be a mom. When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up that was my answer. Sure, I had the usual answers like veterinarian, zoo keeper, teacher, among many others, but Mom was always at the top of the list. I have always loved kids and had this skewed idea that being a mom would be easyish. As each day passes, I learn how wrong I was.
When she was little, the hard part was well everything. But looking back, I think "what was so hard about that?" She wasn't mobile, her only food option was formula, she slept a lot, and people understood if I was in my sweats all day long.
Now, little Miss Bea is almost two. I am having a hard time coping that I am old enough to have a two year old. She is my greatest joy, but at the same time, a huge source of stress. Don't get me wrong, I would not change a thing, not even the tantrums that she throws in the middle of Home Depot that cause dirty looks from everyone around. My house is always a mess and some days I don't get ready till two in the afternoon.
I look at other mom's blogs and their seemingly perfect lives and it's hard to not wonder where I am going wrong. Then I realize that we all try and portray ourselves as perfect to others and that we are our own worst critics. Try as I might, I will probably never be that mom who has piles of scrapbooks of their kids. I will most likely not have the dishes done and house clean before I go to bed. And I am going to have to be okay with it. Tantrums will happen and I just have to learn to deal with it.
What I have learned in the last two years are this:
Don't judge moms whose kids are acting up at the store.
Dirty dishes can wait. Making memories with your kids can't. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to have the perfect life that we miss out of the important things in life.
Don't get mad, get the camera. This is something my mother-in-law taught me and I have been trying to take her advice.
Kids grow up fast! I can't believe that my baby is almost two! It seems like just yesterday she was scooting around. Now she is learning how to count and running around.
Document the important milestones. I am so glad that I have tons of videos and pictures of every little thing!
Well, these were just the random thoughts that I have been having lately. Hopefully they make any sense.